What is the Advantage of Water-based Carpet Cleaning?

Nowadays, most houses are arranged and decorated in a modern style, with textiles rising in popularity rather than wall-to-wall or area rugs. These textiles are used to beautify and complete the décor in one’s home. But this does not mean that they should not be cleaned periodically. Every carpet should be cleaned on a regular basis, not just vacuumed, in order to keep its original appearance for as long as possible and to maintain a clean environment in your home.

There are many different cleaning agents available for cleaning your rugs. Modern solutions and treatments often contain combinations of less aggressive ingredients, but it is recommended to use water-based solutions when you sanitize a carpet. Doing so ensures that no changes will be made to the color, texture or resistance of your rug.

People have discovered several combinations, usually made from ingredients that are widely available, whose mixture results in an effective carpet cleaner solution. Most of these substances are probably already in your house, allowing you to quickly prepare a solution in the event of a stain or dirt.

Thornton carpet cleaning

Water and ammonia

Ammonia is known for its abilities to revitalize the colors of a carpet and remove stains. The mixture should consist of warm water, dish detergent, and a bit of ammonia. Wash the surface of the carpet with a cloth soaked in this solution, then rinse with a wet cloth. Because of the very strong smell, it is recommended to clean the carpet outside or leave the windows and doors open and avoid the room for several hours.

Water and dish washing detergent

The combination of hot water and liquid dish washing detergent has proven to be very effective against carpet stains.

Water and white vinegar

For carpets that have grease stains, you can use a solution of warm water, dish washing detergent and vinegar.

Professional Thornton carpet cleaning companies often use water-based solutions themselves, as they are safe for an array of reasons:  they are non-toxic and do not damage the textile fibers, nor do they leave unsightly traces on the surface of the carpet.

Tips for cleaning carpets

  • When buying a new carpet for your home, it is advisable to keep its label as it contains important information: the type of material it is made from, the density of fibers, and specific cleaning instructions. These aspects are essential at the time of its cleaning.
  • Before cleaning the carpet with special solutions, research on how to use them properly. Do not use a product before sampling it, doing so risks damaging the carpet.
  • If there are stains on your carpet, wipe it with a clean cloth, paper towel, or sponge. Avoid rubbing it!
  • If modern cleaning devices are used, it is important to make sure their settings are appropriate for the type of fabric your carpet is made from.